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Friday 7 October 2016

Scientists awarded Nobel Prize in Chemistry for research on “tiny machines”

After the Medicine and Physics prizes, the Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded on the 5th of October to a trio of chemists involved in research on making tiny machines out of molecules. The awardees were France’s Jean-Pierre Sauvage, Scotsman Sir J.Fraser Stoddart and the Netherlands’ Ben L. Feringa. All three will equally share the 8 million Swedish kronor(equivalent to approximately $936,000 US) prize.

Prof. Sauvage, one of the leading pioneers of this technique, used copper ions as links to molecules, in comparison to the covalent bonds that normally hold molecules together. This innovation was first highlighted when he was the Professor Emeritus at Strasbourg University in 1983.

Meanwhile, Sir Stoddart used the ionic link as an axle to hold the molecules together. Prof. Feringa’s contribution to the development of “smart” molecular motors was also recognized.
This developments could have far-reaching consequences. They could potentially usher in the creation of “smart” devices capable of performing microsurgeries or inserting medicines inside the human body. Tiny devices retaining the functionality of their larger counterparts could greatly enhance power saving and reduce waste generation.

All 3 awardees have distinguished academic careers. It would be worth looking at them , as we inspire the chemists of tomorrow to follow in their footsteps:

Prof Sauvage

Ph.D: Universite Louis-Pasteur, for work on cryptand ligands
Current position: Professor emeritus at Strasbourg University and member of French Academy of Sciences

Sir J.Fraser Stoddart

Graudation and Ph.D: University of Edinburgh
DSc: University of Edsinburgh, for research on stereochemistry
Current Position: Professor at Northwestern University, US
Ben L. Feringa

Ph.D: University of Groningen, 1978
Current position: Executive officer at Selact(owned by Kiadis), of which he is the co-founder.

In the coming years, the use of small machines to create smart devices is going to become even more commonplace. In the meantime, Eclipse Technoconsulting Global Pvt. Ltd, a leading software development company in Kolkata, India, eagerly awaits the announcement of the much-awaited Nobel Peace Prize’s awardees, which occurs on Thursday. Stay in touch with the latest updates through #etsindia or Eclipsetech12.


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