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Monday 10 October 2016

Now you can beat absentmindedness and thieves, thanks to the IoT

Have you ever experienced the sinking feeling of despair at the airplane’s luggage carousel when your bags don’t turn up but everybody else’s does? The hassle which follows, involving multiple trips to the police and airport security, and arranging for fresh supplies, is strenuous for even the most determined of people. Now, however, a Bluetooth and GPS-enabled device, TrackR, is providing a cheap and efficient solution to all your luggage-related woes during flight, and more.
Debuting in 2012, the Phone Halo product TrackR quickly garnered widespread attention.
Powered by the cutting-edge Internet of Things(IoT) technology, it makes journeys a lot less ridden with strain and concern.

TrackR produces 3 item trackers-”bravo”, “sticker” and “wallet”. These devices are very small-the TrackR sticker is about the size of a quarter coin, and the bravo and wallet are even thinner. They can be used for a wide range of items-from wallets and pens to suitcases and headphones. Best of all, TrackR’s use is extremely hassle-free, unlike a number of other devices.

Using TrackR is extremely simple: all that is needed is to install the battery, the free app and finally link the device to the app. Then, TrackR provides instantaneous updates to the mobile: you can ring up the police as soon as TrackR states that your luggage has been removed from the airplane without your notification. This innovative device works on devices with iOS 8, Android 4.4 and higher.

TrackR’s Bluetooth works within 100 ft. of the device, and within this range, a number of highly useful and innovative features are available, including:
  • 2-way ring feature: Allowing both devices to be in touch with each other.
  • The last known location feature, allowing you to zero in on your device.
  • Provides easily understandable maps powered by GPS

Think that the little TrackR devices are limited in functionality to 100 ft?? Think again. Beyond the 100 ft range, the “Crowd GPS” feature activates. After a certain time, it marks the device as “lost”. At this stage, all TrackR devices are engaged in homing in on the missing item. In the coming years, the company promises to increase the “losing range”, as well as provide more valuable, real-time updates.
The app itself costs only $29, in stark contrast to the innumerable other tracking apps which cost a lot. Delivery and the latest updates cost nothing. By removing monthly subscriptions, the one-time pay nature ensures that payments are streamlined and baggage reduced. Upto 10 TrackR devices can be paired at any time.
The TrackR philosophy highlights the immense potential of the Internet of Things(IoT) concept. Gone are the days when only smartphones and desktop appliances were the only modes of connectivity-thanks to the IoT, bags, wallets, watches and a myriad of other devices can be paired into a highly efficient network allowing for data sharing and utility maximization. Eclipse Technoconsulting Global (P) Ltd., a leading software development company in Kolkata, India, looks set to make the fullest use of this revolution


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