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Tuesday 5 June 2018

How Documented Coding/Programming Helps A Software Company or A Client

While a programmer creates an application, he/she always relies on the documentation. The documentation not only keeps track of the different factors of the software, but it also helps in enhancing the quality of the application that the developer is creating. The main purpose of maintaining documentation is that other programmers can also get knowledge about the developed software. That’s the reason why each software development company in India follows the process. Besides, the development process is constantly scrutinized for any mistakes and modifications. Thus, if the documentation is maintained correctly, it provides useful information which is easy to access. Apart from that, new programmers can also take help of the documentation and the product development procedure becomes simple through the use of it, which in turn reduces the expense of the company. The following elements should be included while documenting an application.

There’s nothing as important as documentation of the codes for even the leading software development company in India. Generally, the code documentation process consists of various steps. Firstly, the developers go through the comment blocks to understand the possible errors and these are found in the files that contain different parameters, classes and methods. Next step is to document particular files with the help of generating a third-party script. The process includes analysing a file and creating a PDF file on the basis of the blocks of comment. The information of the source of the code is mentioned so that the updates of the file can be found and these can be shifted to the necessary place.

Installation of Application:
Coded documents that are saved can be utilized when the programmers want to either set up a completely new environment within an application or if they want to add extra environments. The coded documentation is generally written in easy language without making it complex. Any developer can simply follow the steps and install the application. The coding is kept simple especially forthe clients of the software development company in India so that they can get the advantage of documentation as well.

As the name suggests, troubleshooting documentation is created when there’s a problem regarding the functionality of the application and the issue has been solved. This type of documentation generally has error codes that refer to the problem occurred while using an application. The module where the error has occurred is also mentioned in the documentation. These are especially helpful while supporting clients as they may see the error codes and not understand the problem.

It's very important to maintain the information of various database so that the processes like migrating, porting, sharing, reverting etc. become easy. Though the information regarding the server, the database type or the version of the server is important, having a diagram of the data model is most important. Proper documentation will help in modifying the types and structures of the applications, making changes to the tables, adding keys and indexes quicker and simpler so that the debug process is controlled easily.

Apart from the methods mentioned above, the leading software development company inIndia follows some other methods of documentation as well. The processes include documenting information about the server environment, mentioning the rules of the business etc. Thus, the software development companies that have better documentation process, excel in serving their clients.


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